The connective-nerve-vascular tissue found in the dental dentin tissue is called dental canal tissue. Root canal treatment is the treatment performed by dentists as a result of tissue deterioration that manifests itself with symptoms such as pain, devitalization, and tooth sensitivity due to trauma, caries, and periodontal problems.
How is it applied?
Root canal treatment is completed by opening and widening the thin channels extending along the tooth where the root canal tissue is located, cleaning the necrotic tissue and filling the root canal with the root canal filling material. A successful root canal treatment is achieved by completely and completely filling the tooth canals.
Comfort offers a completely needle-free and almost painless alternative for anesthesia injection. Needle-Free Anesthesia provides you with fast and effective anesthesia that will save you time in treatment. Unlike traditional needle syringe injection methods, Comfort infiltration anesthesia injection provides local anesthesia by going under the periosteum (bone membrane). This results in faster spreading, faster absorption and faster effect of the anesthetic liquid.
How to Apply?
With the Needle-Free Injector Device, anesthesia injection spreads deeper and faster through the layers of the gum than with a needle.
Tests have shown that the Comfort injection system can be used in all dental treatments except for teeth requiring mandibular anesthesia. In addition, this method provides local anesthesia using less anesthesia (40%) compared to the needle.
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