All-on-4 Technique
All on 4 technique is a modern and technological procedure that allows you to fix a dental prosthesis to 4 dental implants placed on the same day in patients with missing teeth. Apart from classical dental implant techniques, placing implants in different places and choosing the superstructure according to these angle differences eliminates the 3 to 6 months of toothless waiting period until the prosthesis is made in other implant systems. The All on 4 technique is planned and safely applied to the patient after the patient's clinical and radiological examinations, and the necessary measurements are made with the help of computerized tomography. The All on Four implant system is an ideal method for using fixed teeth for patients with bone loss in the back teeth areas. A fixed temporary dental prosthesis is applied to the patient on the day the implants are made and the implants are left to heal with these temporary teeth. After healing is achieved, the patient's permanent aesthetic teeth are applied.
What is the All on 4 technique?
The All on Four technique was first tested in 1998 and has been used safely in hundreds of thousands of patients with total tooth loss since then. First, dental implant treatment prices for edentulous patients were very high. Second, for dentists who will perform the application, finding bone in suitable conditions where the implant will be placed often turned into a difficult task. All these problems were solved with the all on four technique. Sufficient bone for implant thickness offers a fixed prosthesis opportunity that can be applied to all patients without missing teeth in the jawbone and most of which are melted or performed with a single surgery. After the All on 4 technique, which should be planned individually, it is possible to get rid of speech disorders, chewing problems and aesthetic concerns related to tooth loss. The 4 implant application, which allows you to have functional teeth in 1 day, increases the life comfort of many patients.
How is the All on 4 technique performed?
Before the All on 4 technique, comprehensive examinations and analyzes of the patients should be performed. The All on 4 technique, which should be planned individually so that patients do not encounter chewing and speech disorders, consists of surgical and dental prosthesis procedures. A total of 4 implants are placed in the front and back parts of the jaw on the same day. After the procedure performed under local anesthesia, a temporary prosthesis is placed on the patient. Temporary prostheses are replaced with fixed prostheses approximately 2-3 months after the procedure. With the All on 4 technique, thanks to implants placed at special angles and bridged, patients never go toothless before receiving their permanent teeth. In patients who pass the approval test, 4 implants are placed in the jawbone with local or general anesthesia. Depending on the patient's care and compliance with their medications, permanent prosthetic teeth are placed after an average of 3 months. Clinical and radiological examinations should be performed for patients planned for treatment. 3D measurements are made on computerized tomography and a suitable plan is made for the patient. The All on 4 technique consists of 2 parts. Surgery and dental prosthesis. After 4 dental implants are placed on the patient on the day of the operation, a temporary dental prosthesis is placed. Permanent prostheses are made for the patient approximately 10-12 weeks later.